Search Results – Sciences

Fundamentals of Toxicology

Course: TOX 701 001
Semester: FALL 2024

Instructor(s): S. Kullman
Meeting Pattern(s): T H 10:15am–11:30am

Environmental Toxicology

Course: TOX 715 001
Semester: FALL 2024

Instructor(s): D. Buchwalter
Meeting Pattern(s): T H 1:30pm–2:45pm

Toxicology Seminar

Course: TOX 801 001
Semester: FALL 2024

Instructor(s): C. Hoyo, E. Brooks
Meeting Pattern(s): T 4:10pm–5pm

Lab Rotation

Course: TOX 820 001
Semester: FALL 2024

Instructor(s): M. Cowley, S. Kullman
Meeting Pattern(s): Day and time to be announced.

Responsible Conduct in Science

Course: TOX 820 002
Semester: FALL 2024

Instructor(s): J. Bonner
Meeting Pattern(s): W 1:55pm–2:45pm

Neuroimmunotoxicology Across Species

Course: TOX 820 004
Semester: FALL 2024

Instructor(s): M. Rodgers, N. Duque-Wilckens
Meeting Pattern(s): T H 11:45am–1pm

Doctoral Supervised Research

Course: TOX 893 001
Semester: FALL 2024

Instructor(s): J. Hall, S. Kullman, S. Belcher, S. Gaddameedhi, R. Baynes, N. Kotlarz, M. Rodgers, M. Cowley, J. Ninomiya-Tsuji, A. Planchart, J. Bonner, J. Yoder, J. Hoppin, H. Wang, E. Brooks, D. Buchwalter, C. Hoyo
Meeting Pattern(s): Day and time to be announced.

Doctoral Dissertation Research

Course: TOX 895 001
Semester: FALL 2024

Instructor(s): J. Ninomiya-Tsuji, Y. Tsuji, S. Kullman, S. Belcher, S. Gaddameedhi, R. Baynes, N. Kotlarz, M. Rodgers, M. Cowley, A. Planchart, J. Hall, J. Bonner, J. Yoder, J. Hoppin, H. Wang, E. Brooks, D. Buchwalter, C. Hoyo
Meeting Pattern(s): Day and time to be announced.

Doctoral Dissertation Preparation

Course: TOX 899 001
Semester: FALL 2024

Instructor(s): A. Planchart, D. Buchwalter, H. Patisaul, J. Hoppin, J. Bonner, J. Ninomiya-Tsuji, N. Nascone-Yoder, R. Smart, S. Kullman, Y. Tsuji
Meeting Pattern(s): Day and time to be announced.

Human-Animal Interactions

Course: ZO 233 001
Semester: FALL 2024

Instructor(s): J. Campbell
Meeting Pattern(s): M W F 10:40am–11:30am

Animal Anatomy and Physiology

Course: ZO 250 001
Semester: FALL 2024

Instructor(s): J. Campbell
Meeting Pattern(s): M W F 12:50pm–1:40pm

Animal Anatomy and Physiology

Course: ZO 250 201
Semester: FALL 2024

Instructor(s): A. Cave
Meeting Pattern(s): M 8:30am–11:15am

Animal Anatomy and Physiology

Course: ZO 250 202
Semester: FALL 2024

Instructor(s): A. Lynch
Meeting Pattern(s): M 3pm–5:45pm

Animal Anatomy and Physiology

Course: ZO 250 203
Semester: FALL 2024

Instructor(s): A. Cave
Meeting Pattern(s): T 8:30am–11:15am

Animal Anatomy and Physiology

Course: ZO 250 204
Semester: FALL 2024

Instructor(s): L. Fathi-Boldt
Meeting Pattern(s): T 1:30pm–4:15pm