SMT 407
Sustainable Product Development Capstone
Section: 001

Course Description

This course will provide the students with a systematic approach to developing environmentally responsible products incorporating natural resources and biomaterials. Sustainable Product Development Capstone is an ever-changing review of past, present, and future issues that encompass our global environment with the premise of resolving them. This course will discuss sustainability issues and how we can change them and how to utilize natural resources and biomaterials for our product development. Lab sessions will be a project-based application of past knowledge from this and prior courses. Students are given a topic area to create and develop in a collaborative team environment a resolution to an issue with the expectation of producing a physical product by the end of the course: required additional coursework and assigned reading for SMT 507 level. Credit is not allowed for both SMT 407 and SMT 507.

Spring 2025


Meeting Patterns

Classes Start:
January 6, 2025
Classes End:
April 22, 2025
00105 Hodges Wood Products
Class Days:
Class Start Time:
Class End Time:

Class Type:
Prerequisite: SMT 207, SMT 217, and SMT 307