ISE 762
Stochastic Simulation
Section: 601

Course Description

Basic discrete event simulation methodology: random number generators, generating random objects, design of discrete event simulation, validation, analysis of simulation output, variance reduction techniques, Markov chain Monte Carlo, simulation optimization. The course has computer assignments and projects. This course is a sequel to ISE/OR 760 Stochastic Models which serves as a prerequisite. This is NOT a software based course! Students who are looking for a class on simulation software, such as Arena and Simio, are recommended to take ISE 562 (master-level simulation class).

DE Fee

Engineering Online GRAD

DE Program


Spring 2025

Meeting Patterns

Class Type:
Students should have completed a course on stochastic models (similar to ISE 560 or ISE 760) and have a working knowledge of a programming language (e.g., Python, Matlab, R, or others). Enrollment for this course is through the Engineering Online Registration System. Go to