ST 517
Applied Statistical Methods I
Section: 601

Course Description

Course covers basic methods for summarizing and describing data, accounting for variability in data, and techniques for inference. Topics include basic exploratory data analysis, probability distributions, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, and regression analysis. This is a calculus-based course. Statistical software is used; however, there is no lab associated with the course. Credit not given for this course and ST 511 or ST 513 or ST 515. This course does NOT count as an elective towards a degree or a minor in Statistics. Note: the course will be offered in person (Fall) and online (Fall and Summer).

DE Program

Statistics Online Masters Program

Fall 2024


Meeting Patterns

Classes Start:
August 19, 2024
Classes End:
December 3, 2024
Distance Education:
Class Days:

Class Type:
Prerequisites: MA 241 or equivalent (Calculus II) and MA 405 or equivalent (Linear Algebra) R: Graduate Students Only
