ST 497
Professional Experience in Statistics
Section: 001

Course Description

Mentored professional experience in statistics. A minimum of 45 hours must be completed for each credit hour earned. The experience must be arranged in advance by the student and approved by the Department of Statistics prior to enrollment. Approval requires completion of the Statistics Department's Experiential Learning Contract, which must be signed by the student, their professional mentor, and their academic advisor. Professional mentors are encouraged to require a research paper or poster presentation as part of the work expectations when appropriate. Students should refer to their curriculum requirements for possible restrictions on the total number of ST 497 credit hours that may be applied to their degree.

Fall 2024

Meeting Patterns

Classes Start:
August 19, 2024
Classes End:
December 3, 2024
Room Number:
Class Days:

Class Type:
Internshp, Field Exp, Co-op Ed
Prerequisite: Sophomore Standing. Students are responsible for identifying their own internship mentor and experience. Restriction: Statistics majors only