VMP 971
Food Animal Diagnostics for Disease Diagnosis, Control, and Population Surveilla
Section: 001

Course Description

This course intended to instruct food animal veterinary students in: 1) underlying principles of veterinary diagnostic assays, 2) proper collection of samples, 3) effective testing approaches for diagnosis and management of disease, 4) strategies for efficient monitering of food animal population for infection by specific agent(s), and 5) analysis of data from veterinary diagnostic laboratory tests and optimal use of the results for making production management decisions. Priority given to students in Food Animal Focus area. Students in Mixed Animal Focus Area or special-case Epidemiology Focus Area students can enroll (if space remains) with the approval of Course Coordinator if they meet the criteria states in the above requisites.

Summer I 5W 2024


Meeting Patterns

Classes Start:
May 15, 2024
Classes End:
June 18, 2024
Room Number:
Class Days:

Class Type:
Clinical Rotation
Prerequisite: Prior undergraduate coursework, summer work experiences, and/or consistent enrollment and good performance in food animal selectives.