BIO 325
Paleontological Field Methods
Section: 001F

Course Description

Understanding the history of life is not possible without first and foremost unearthing it. Discovering, collecting, and conserving fossil specimens for research is a time- and labor-intensive endeavor that requires hands-on training in the field. This course provides introductions to the evolution of life; Mesozoic biodiversity, biostratigraphy, and biogeography; vertebrate skeletal anatomy; stratigraphic and sedimentary concepts; and geomorphology. The course also covers paleontological research methods, including: specimen data collection, conservation, and preparation; topographic and geologic maps; GPS techniques; prospecting and excavation of fossil localities; and taphonomic indicators. Field work in Utah; additional costs involved.

Summer I 10W 2024


Meeting Patterns

Classes Start:
May 15, 2024
Classes End:
July 26, 2024
Room Number:
Class Days:

Class Type:
Field Work
Prerequisite: BIO 181 or BIO 230 or BIO 270 or BIO 330 or MEA 202