Announcement #88
WolfWare Classic Summer 2 Rollover Day
- Date Posted: 6.22.16
--- FOLLOWUP POST: 2016-06-22 13:50:12 ---<br /> <br /> WolfWare Classic has rolled over to Summer II. Services are now back online.<br /> <br /> --- ORIGINAL POST: 2016-06-22 10:21:24 ---<br /> <br /> On Wednesday, June 22nd, the WolfWare Classic system will be put into maintenance mode while we prepare the lockers for Summer 2.<br /> <br /> This is what will happen:<br /> <br /> - Summer 1 lockers will be unmounted and moved to the park location. These lockers will remain readable by the owners. These lockers will no longer work with the various WolfWare Classic tools. You are encouraged to make archival copies of any items you feel are important; download a copy of your grade book or an HTML version of your message board before the rollover so you will have them if you need them.<br /> <br /> - Any Summer 2 lockers that were requested that have not been created will be added at this time.<br /> <br /> - Any Summer 2 lockers currently mounted as prep will be remounted in their active location.<br /> <br /> - Mailing lists will cease to work for Summer 1 lockers, and will begin to work for the Summer 2 sections.<br /> <br /> - NOTE: Summer 1 courses flagged as Ten-Week when they were requested will still be active after rollover.<br /> <br /> - The whole WolfWare Classic system will be unstable during the transition. Please try not to use your lockers and tools between about 12:30pm and 4pm on Wednesday, June 22nd.<br /> <br /> If you want to have a course locker for Summer 2, you will need to use the request form at:<br /> <br /><br /> <br /> Lockers that are requested should be created within 24 hrs of the request and mounted in prep until the rollover day.