Announcement #286
Zoom error messages
- Date Posted: 8.24.20
--- FOLLOWUP POST: 2020-08-24 12:50:07 ---<br /> <br /> Zoom should be working successfully again. If you encounter any problems with Zoom please contact<br /> <br /> --- FOLLOWUP POST: 2020-08-24 09:05:03 ---<br /> <br /> Workaround to join Zoom meetings that seems to work:<br /> <br /> Launch the app, log in if needed click on the join button in the app copy / paste the meeting ID if needed copy / paste the passcode<br /> <br /> The problems seem to be focused around the Zoom web launcher.<br /> <br /> --- FOLLOWUP POST: 2020-08-24 08:40:39 ---<br /> <br /> Update: it appears that if you are already logged in to Zoom that meetings will work, but if you are not logged in then the same errors occur.<br /> <br /> Zoom's engineers are working on the problem.<br /> <br /> --- ORIGINAL POST: 2020-08-24 08:36:56 ---<br /> <br /> Users logging into or are getting error messages saying either "There is no payment method for payment mehtod id:2c92a0f94d03939a014d2094f75629a3 (3,221)" or "There is no accout for zuora account id:2c92a0ff64a5de7f0164aed63069641c (3,201)".<br /> <br /> Use of the Zoom app for meetings seems to be working at this time. Zoom support has been notified of the issue.
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